There are three tips about beautiful eyes but follow any one tip only.
Tip-1) Prepare a strong, black tea decoration by adding one tablespoonful tea leaves to 1/4th cup of boiling water and steep it for 5-6 minutes.
Keep this tea to cool in the fridge, soak cotton wool pads in the decoration and place on closed eyelids while lying down. Warm tea may be used if you can't use cold tea.
Leave it on for 15-20 minutes for best results.
Repeat it daily before sleeping for sparkle eyes.
Tip-2) Apple juice has proved to be beneficial to some people. grate fresh apples and squeeze the juice through a muslin cloth, soak cotton pads in the juice and place on closed eyes.
Relax for 15-20 minutes and the clean it. Repeat as it is required.
Tip-3) basic and all time favorite remedy of cucumber juice applied on cotton pads will add freshness, as will a splash of organic chilled rose water.
Repeat it at least twice in a week.