These Important Things Before Knowing Pimples

Pimples appear at worst times and when they appear, you make a desperate urge to break them. You want to squeeze them, and also want to make sure there are no traces, but should you do this? Is it really the right way to get the innocent skin cleansing the pimples?

Pimple is a thin sack that holds oil, acne, bacteria and debris, if seen in medical terms, it means that, it is a good thing that there is such a thing where so many things exist; You have grain. If you sprinkle the grain, then you will force the bacteria to go deeper into your skin along with debris. Apart from this, the debris from the wreckage spills and enters the other holes, which causes more pimples, besides, you present more bacteria in the pimples with your finger. From this the grain can be yellow, red, swollen and infected. It can also cause permanent irritation.

This is the reason why doctors never allow the rash to burst. So the conclusion is that the granule should be allowed to walk through its lifetime. If the grains leave alone, then the defect will be corrected in 3 to 7 days and if the pimple comes out incorrectly, then it can stop for weeks and it can also irrigate. Therefore, it is best for professionals to break the mud. But, if you have to do this, then there is a proper fashion in which it should be done.

These correct steps adopted to burst the pimples:

1) Do not try to attack the pimples very soon, give it some time. When the debris is stored more outside and the pimple's head is also white, then there will be a reasonable time that you hit him.

2) Wash your hands thoroughly with hot water, nail brush and soap before punching.

3) Stir the pin using a match or lighter, cool the pins with the help of alcohol.

4) Before pumping on the pimple, using alcohol, wipe the pimple and put some liquor on your fingers.

5) After that, dry your fingers and wrap them properly in the clean tissue.

6) Now keep the pin in such a way that it is in parallel to the surface of the skin and after that the tip of the white center of the pimple gently boils.

7) With the help of a cotton, press the pimples around the tip of the tip and squeeze the pudding slowly. If pus does not come with a soft press, then the pimple is not ready to burst. So, until it is ready to break, do not try to remove the grain.

8) Whether your pimple opens out with pus or not, apply some alcohol to broken pimples or defects. It can burn a bit, but it will prevent further breakout by blocking the bacterial contact.

So friends, first of all, if you have a pimple then work with endurance. If you want to break it by yourself then wait for the right time and the most important thing is that you can boil it properly, for this, you can use the above method. Take care of your skin and stay healthy.

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